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Player Season History

Here are the stats for our B teams. Note that we sometimes have more than one B team in a season (Bombers and B52s). Stats are correct to 03/06/2024 :

FILTERS:   All   Aces Team   Bombers Team   Cadets Team   Destroyers Team   Durham League Team

Thornaby Bombers Season Records

Callum Abbott0/20/2
Jake Allinson½/2½/2
Andy Austen0/30/30/10/10/8
Chris Bourchier½/3½/3
Taylor Brown4½/124½/12
Vardhan Bunga0/10/1
Julio Calcina2/22/2
Chris Carabine6½/97/115½/84½/1023½/38
Mike Creaney1½/24½/55/74/126/124½/126½/152½/136½/1241/90
Stewart Dinsdale8½/173½/1412/31
Gary Dixon0/30/3
Brian Ellis5/79½/147/85/826½/37
Jonathan Feasby0/10/1
Malcolm Goldspink0/10/1
Sam Greig½/14/7½/25/10
John Heeley4/176/150/10/110/34
Ray Honeybourne7/99½/128½/125½/105/138½/1344/69
Geoff Howsden0/20/11/20/34/81/41/32/49/27
Jamie Lane3/53/5
Toefl Lankapura0/10/1
Ernie Lazenby4/114/11
James Lloyd3/92/75/16
Manuel Lopez0/10/1
Joseph Machin½/12/5½/23/8
Geoff Mann0/20/2
Bill March2/33½/52/40/14½/62/74/61/72/1121/50
Tom Marwood0/23/6
Joe McGinnis5½/76/128/127/1426½/45
Janos Mehes0/10/1
Iain Mellis1½/55½/122½/49½/21
Stephen Ollis2½/52½/5
Rhys Orton0/10/1
Wes Park4/64/6
Sagar Patil4/94½/98½/18
David Pizzi0/10/1
Thomas Pyman0/20/2
Dave Richardson3/62½/55½/11
Steve Rodgers4/104/10
Ajay Selvan0/10/1
Neil Sotheby1/21/2
Alan Stockley1/11/1
Chris Swales6/108½/157/131½/323/41
Nick Tadd3/71½/30/10/53½/91/50/20/10/19/34
Pete Townson1½/20/41½/6
James Urwin5½/141/36½/17
Matthew Walters1½/51½/5
Brad Werritt1/31/3
Brian Whitaker10½/177/155/77/117½/135½/102½/136½/154/1055½/111

Most Appearances (20 or more)

Brian Whitaker111
Mike Creaney90
Ray Honeybourne69
Bill March50
Joe McGinnis45
Chris Swales41
Chris Carabine38
Brian Ellis37
John Heeley34
Nick Tadd34
Stewart Dinsdale31
Geoff Howsden27
Iain Mellis21

Most Points (10 or more)

Brian Whitaker55½
Ray Honeybourne44
Mike Creaney41
Joe McGinnis26½
Brian Ellis26½
Chris Carabine23½
Chris Swales23
Bill March21
Stewart Dinsdale12
John Heeley10